The Management of METAL MANUFACTURING OVIEDO VOCES, S.L., hereinafter OV MetalFab understands our business in a global way, always aiming to offer the highest quality service to our customers, while at the same time seeking to maintain a low environmental impact.

This commitment was born at the same time as OV MetalFab, as we are a company dedicated to the manufacture of customised parts for our clients, using recyclable raw materials: steel, aluminium, copper alloys, etc.

For this reason, the objective is to implement in the first 3 years of the company’s life an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 standards and based on the following fundamental principles:

      • Customer orientation.

      • Our customers are our raison d’être, so we seek to achieve their total satisfaction by knowing their needs and expectations.

      • Complying with the legislation and regulations applicable to our products and the environment, as well as with the requirements imposed by our customers and those defined by ourselves.

      • Innovation and adaptation. Incorporate the most advanced machinery for the execution of our work, adapting our production capacity to the needs of our customers.

      • Continuous improvement of our processes, making them more efficient and minimising or avoiding, as far as possible, the environmental impact of our activity.

      • To inform and collaborate with the Public Authorities in crisis and emergency situations and to express our permanent willingness to cooperate with them.

      • To involve, train and make the people who make up our company responsible for respecting, sharing and applying the Integrated Management System.

      • To offer quick and appropriate solutions to any incident detected, whether it is a productive or environmental incident, to learn from what has happened and to correct or mitigate the causes that have originated it so that it does not happen again.

      • Prevent errors, carry out an adequate risk analysis and establish preventive measures that allow us to reduce the level of incidents.

      • Communicate and inform our collaborators, whether they are clients, suppliers or subcontractors, of our policies and the preventive tools that apply to them.

        This Policy will be reviewed periodically and will serve as a framework for the establishment of medium and long-term objectives.

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